
Welcome and feel Homeawaywithme

May 23, 2018 homeawaywithme 0 Comments

Hello there,
I am really happy to share with you my vision of travelling around the globe 
I have been wandering since 2017.
I am a solo traveler, and so far I have visited 12 countries and I am still counting. Yes this woman here, is trying to  manage her daily routine with a lot of escapades. I am sharing with you my favorite places, activities and stuffs so that we can all become happy travelers ✌珞
Features to come   my dream destinations, tips, interresting things you can do there . 
You can also find me on instagram. Welcome dear :)
This picture was taken in Jaffa,
Israel by sunset, I was so amazed by the view. and was not the only one.

Old Jaffa, ISRAEL
copyright Homeawaywithme

Salut a tous,
Contente de debuter ce blog pour partager avec vous ma vision du voyage et de la vie en general.
Voyageuse depuis 2017, avec 12 pays à mon actif, j'essai de faire cohabituer les voyages avec la vie de tout les jours. Je partage avec vous mes astuces, conseils et trouvailles pour de plus beaux voyages.
Retrouvez mes photos, mes destination préféré également sur instagram . A Plus :)

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